Are you a PARENT whose child needs help with reading, or an ADULT who wants to improve?

Are you an EDUCATOR looking for a highly effective, comprehensive reading program?

More Information for Schools & Educators in Massey, Maryland

Read Right Reading Programs:
For schools and institutions in Massey, MD and Maryland State

Read Right, a truly extraordinary reading intervention program. For decades, solutions for reading problems have focused on individual word identification. Read Right Reading Programs for all ages focus on efficient brain function and complex cognitive processing in the context of sentence reading. This means the methodology addresses every aspect of reading, not just phonics and word identification.

Research has shown that Read Right's reading program transfers struggling readers and improves reading comprehension with rapid results. Readers get the reading help they need. When reading comprehension improves the reader begins to truly enjoy reading.

Read Right is perfect for:
  • K-12 reading intervention progrms (Public, Private & Tribal Schools)
  • Special Education reading programs for learning disabled and dyslexic students
  • New solutions for developmental reading programs in Maryland Colleges
  • English Language Learners
  • Workforce Literacy and improveing employee productivity
  • Correctional facilities reading programs for youth and adults who want to improve their reading
  • Online reading tutoring for all ages in Massey, MD.

Read Right Reading Program
For Educators

For more information about how you can use Read Right reading program in your Massey school call 360.427.9440. Your students will get the reading help they need.

Read Right Reading Programs are fully grounded in scientific understanding of brain function, learning theory, reading theory, language acquisition theory, cognitive processing theory, and more. The program has been in development for 30 years. In 2010, independent gold-standard research verified that the Read Right Reading Intervention Program for remediation, remedial reading, and the improvement of mild to severe reading problems is highly effective. In July 2011, the research was reviewed and given high marks by scientific experts at the National Center on Response to Intervention.

Contact Us for more information.

When your school or campus in Massey, MD starts a Read Right program, our consultants come to your Massey school and train your staff to be small group tutors. Your reading tutors in Massey, MD or/and Maryland State are trained to provide reading instruction and a reading environment that is highly effective for rapid reading improvement. Unlike any other reading program, Read Right methodology has been applied with success with elementary, middle school, high school, and college students; every grade level and every age group.

See testimonies of how Read Right reading program and online tutoring helped readers get the reading help they needed.

For the Reading Intervention Program, your staff will receive 7 weeks of hands on training (spread over 18 weeks). Because training is hands-on, reading instruction for your reading students will start immediately. Your staff will become proficient in the Read Right Reading Intervention Program. This includes everything from performing entry-level student assessments, to use of the instructional methods, project management and student management systems, training materials, implementation manuals, reporting systems, and quality assurance systems.

Up to 4 staff members are trained at a time. They can be certified teacher, instructional aides, or a combination of the two. Each teacher or aide will work with 5 students. These students can be: Title I students, special needs students, readers with dyslexia (dyslexic readers), Special Education students, English language learners (ELL), or any student who has reading problems and needs help with reading comprehension and reading skills.

Read Right Provides Everything your School in Massey MD or Maryland State will need.

See our video testimonies on YouTube.

We encourage you to call and talk to us. 360.427.9440 Let use tell you about how Read Right has helped students all over the country, including response to intervention (RTI) Tier 2 and Tier 3 readers. Students with ADD/ADHD, autism spectrum disorders, severe stuttering, learning disabled students struggling with a variety of reading disabilities (including dyslexia), have become successful readers through Read Right tutoring!

Find out more >

What Parents, Readers and Teachers Are Saying

At Read Right we know our online reading tutoring program works and we have the testimonies to prove it. Below are a few testimonies about struggling readers who got the reading help they needed and improved their reading skills. At Read Right we get rapid results!

See more testimonies >

The president announced that, at ACTC, our reading retention data was five times higher than any of the other colleges in our Kentucky Community College System. Everybody was excited!

— Barbara Nicholls, Reading Professor and Read Right Trainer, Ashland Community and Technical College, Ashland, KY — 

My first-grader is bright, but she was falling further and further behind her peers in reading, to the point she didn't like school. Phonics and decoding weren't working for her. After three weeks in Read Right, she loved to read and go to school. Last week she read a book to her peers--and she was so proud. Such a transformation!

— Allison, Parent, New Zealand — 

I just wanted to say hello and pass on some incredible news!

Chase started 4th grade a couple of weeks ago and went through all of the usual assessments. His teacher told me he came in 3rd in the class scoring on the reading assessment and 1st in Comprehension! I cried when she told me so now she thinks I am crazy!

The best news is Chase has started "eating up" books. He reads 1 to 1 1/2 hours every night at bedtime. I made the mistake of telling him I would buy him a new book every time he finished one and now he is reading "The Spiderwick" story novels at the rate of one every two days! I may have to start NOT allowing him to read at night because I am scared he will be exhausted and I'm going to run out of money for books!

— Megan, Mother of Chase, Read Right graduate — 

Reviews About Read Rights Reading Program's Success!